Deck the Halls Virtual Auction Bring a pop of local color to a blank wall this holiday season. Scroll down to see all boards Bid Now! photos captured by Alexknowbody Paris Butler Paris Butler Paris Butler Rayos Magos Rayos Magos Rayos Magos MESNGR MESNGR MESNGR Max Dehart Max Dehart Max Dehart KLAWD KLAWD KLAWD Jimmy Paints Jimmy Paints Jimmy Paints Jeena Alvarez Jeena Alvarez Jeena Alvarez Haleyonthemoon Haleyonthemoon Haleyonthemoon Erin Salazar Erin Salazar Erin Salazar DYKTW DYKTW DYKTW Richard Hoffman Richard Hoffman Richard Hoffman ZIYALAN ZIYALAN ZIYALAN