As stewards of the “commons,” Local Color aims to support the many logistics surrounding funding for creative projects centered in San Jose and the South Bay Area. By building collective capacity through “commoning”, we bridge people to resources, enhance accountable practices and assist by being a reliable structure elevating inspiring individuals and collectives.
Commons Members will receive support from skilled individuals during grant submittal, through accounting and reporting, and join a network of local creative professionals able to fill roles needed in sustaining impactful community-driven projects.
Have an idea?
Independent Creators and Collectives have an abundance of ideas. D.I.Y Projects and organizers more often need an equal abundance in funding support.
Fiscal Sponsorship increases eligibility for more significant funding sources able to foster sustainability and equity.
Local Color is committed to supporting the resilient, passionate, artistic, and vibrant communities within San José.
See if you align with the values we share. We want to get to know you too! Please allow 2-3 weeks for our Commons Committee to review your Inquiry Form submission.
Find support.
Local Color prioritizes emerging artists, creatives, and organizers. Members can apply for grants and accept donations to fund their projects.
New to grant writing? It’s a skill that can be learned and refined. Simply describing your work is the first step—we’re here to help fine-tune your approach.
Learn and grow.
The Local Commons was co-designed with insights from peers and a national network, centering those receiving support.
Together, we learn, build tailored support systems, advocate, and create pathways for coalition-building within our communities.
The core principles of “commoning”
Social Impact Commons is the country’s first incubator and shared resource provider supporting the fiscal sponsorship or commons management community. They support the creation of new fiscal sponsors and support the growth of emerging and established fiscal sponsors. Local Color has been learning alongside a national network of fiscal sponsors since 2020.
Commoning focuses on how resources for communities are managed and collectively shared. Within the Local Commons program, we have adopted practices of peer governance, shared resources, and learning opportunities.
The Best Solution for the Arts You've Never Heard Of: The Insurgent Power of Management Commons — Written By Thaddeus Squire
Get in touch with us!
Heidi Jumper, Local Commons Project Associate and Member Relationship Manager
Carman Gaines, Deputy Director and Member Relationship Manager
Members of the Local Commons
Support Active Fundraisers!
Learn more about Local Commons!
What’s in the video:
Acknowledgments & Introductions
What is Fiscal Sponsorship?
What is Commoning?
Local Commons' mission and offerings